Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Weather Underground/ The Weathermen

The Weather Underground Organization, more commonly known as the Weathermen, were a group of men that believed that peaceful protests were, in fact ineffective. They believed that they would have to do anything needed in order to get their voices and their points across to the government. They believed that if violence was necessary for both social and political change, then it would have to be done. The Weather Underground originally came about from when Bernardine Dohrn and other University of Chicago Students split from the SDS at their school. They split from them because they did not agree on how the group was peacefully attempting to handle things. 
As mentioned before, the organization ultimately did not agree with how the SDS was responding to the opposition to the Vietnam War. They felt that there was no need to actually endure war. They felt that they were being too peaceful about the situation and that was getting them no where. This is one of the reasons as to why a few members disbanded to create the actual Weathermen organization. This same organization was known for causing bombings in areas as well. One example would be the bombs that they would set off at the National Guard headquarters in order to show their discontent towards the Vietnam War. They also set plans into motion to target people that were central to the American politics. 
This group was widely criticized for their method to make their voices be heard.  Because of their actions, they became some of the most targeted by the FBI themselves. Many people who see them think of them in a "Bonnie and Clyde" type of way. This means that these white students were observed to be attractive and full of life. Many people believed that they only did these actions for the thrill of the lawbreaking that they were doing. What people were fascinated about was the fact that the organization was able to continue right under the nose of the government without being caught. 


  1. Interesting movement, I just wonder if they were in fact meteorologists. All kidding aside, this group did all it can to combat the war in Vietnam.

  2. There must have been conflict with some individuals for the reason that some advocated strongly for a peaceful protest rather than utilizing violence.

  3. I'm sure that Martin Luther King Jr. would disagree with the Weather underground movement; however, Malcom X would probably agree or support.
