Saturday, April 26, 2014

Political Cartoons

This political cartoon was titled Kennedy and was made by David Levine. It was done in a manner that specifically was meant to show his physical attributes. It is believed that during the elections, the whole reason he won was due to the fact that he was visually appealing to the audience. Many viewed him as handsome and even described him as "angelic". Because of his attributes, it is said that he was able to win over the crowd both in the presidential elections but in his decisions made towards the Cold War. Many believe that his "success" was attributed purely to his physique which is why the artist chose to draw this.

It is said that Kennedy's term was, for the most part, all about foreign policy. This political cartoon titled Kennedy and Krushchev by Herbert Block was made to display this. This cartoon alone depicts how Kennedy came in during a time when there was much strain and tension revolving nuclear weapons and having the threat of a nuclear war. In the cartoon we can see both president Kennedy and president Krushchev trying hold down and incarcerate a beast. This beast is a metaphor for the nuclear war that is threatening to come out.

This last cartoon was titled Kennedy and Pearson and was created by Duncan MacPherson. What stands out about this cartoon us that is was made by a Canadian. It is said that during the 60s, the dilemma Canada was facing was if they too should get nuclear weapons to aid North America in a war if it came down to it. This cartoon is said to show how Kennedy was all too willing to convince the president of Canada in order to help his country. Kennedy is depicted as a guy who would meddle in Canada's affairs if it would mean that the United States would benefit greatly from it. President Pearson is depicted as an old gullible man who falls for the charm of the president, and ends up accepting the weapons provided by the United States.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

President Kennedy

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the most effective and influential president involved in the cold war. In his youth, he was involved in WWII and fought valiantly even though he was injured. Because of this, he got some insight into the war business. Once coming back, he studied law and moved himself up to being president. He was most influential due to the fact that he helped prevent a larger war that would soon emerge not only in Cuba, but the whole world as well. By war, what I speak about would be the nuclear war that was inevitable in its course. Kennedy prevented the war in the sense that he forced the Soviet Union to remove its missiles stationed in Cuba.

While he was an influential president, he also did not agree with some of the presidents. The first president would definitely be President Eisenhower. He felt that the plans he had done were too rash and crazy, and would probably cause more damage than good. He in turn modified some of Eisenhower's plans. One would be the flexible response meaning that the US would retaliate in a manner that seemed suitable for an occasion. It did not necessarily mean that they would use missiles. Same goes for Nixon, who attempted to become friends with the Soviets. The whole purpose is to end communism, however, his plan was to both visit and become friends with them.